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Data Grid - Row grouping

Group your rows according to some column values.

For when you need to group rows based on repeated column values, and/or custom functions. In the following example groups all movies based on their production company

Set grouping criteria

Initialize the row grouping

The easiest way to get started with the feature is to provide its model to the initialState prop:

    rowGrouping: {
        model: ['company', 'director'],

The basic parameters are the columns you want to check for repeating values. This example groups all the movies matching the same company name, followed by a second group matching the director's name.

Controlled row grouping

If you need to control the state of the criteria used for grouping, use the rowGroupingModel prop. You can use the onRowGroupingModelChange prop to listen to changes to the grouping criteria and update the prop accordingly.

Grouping columns

Single grouping column

By default, the grid will display a single column holding all grouping columns. If you have multiple grouping criteria, this column name will be set to "Group."

Multiple grouping columns

To display a column for each grouping criterion, set the rowGroupingColumnMode prop to multiple.

Custom grouping column

To customize the rendering of the grouping column, use the groupingColDef prop. You can override the headerName or any property of the GridColDef interface, except the field, the type, and the properties related to inline edition.

By default, when using the object format, the properties will be applied to all Grouping columns. This means that if you have rowGroupingColumnMode set to multiple, all the columns will share the same groupingColDef properties.

If you wish to override properties of specific grouping columns or to apply different overrides based on the current grouping criteria, you can pass a callback function to groupingColDef, instead of an object with its config. The callback is called for each grouping column, and it receives the respective column's "fields" as parameter.

Group by company
Group by company and director

Show values for the leaves

By default, the grouped rows display no value on their grouping columns' cells. Those cells are called "leaves."

If you want to display some value, you can provide a leafField property to the groupingColDef.

Hide the descendant count

Use the hideDescendantCount property of the groupingColDef to hide the number of descendants of a grouping row.

Hide the grouped columns

By default, the columns used to group the rows remains visible. For instance if you group by "director", you will have two columns titled Director:

  • The grouped column (the column from which you grouped the rows)
  • The grouping column on which you can toggle the groups

To automatically hide the grouped columns, use the useKeepGroupedColumnsHidden utility hook. The hook will automatically hide the columns when added to the model and show them back when removed from it.

Bellow are two examples about how to use columnVisibilityModel or initialState with useKeepGroupedColumnsHidden hook. You can mix the two examples to support both at the same time.

// Usage with the initial state
const apiRef = useGridApiRef();

const initialState = useKeepGroupedColumnsHidden({
  initialState: {
    rowGrouping: {
      model: ['company'],
    columns: {
      // Other hidden columns
      columnVisibilityModel: { gross: false },

return <DataGridPremium {} apiRef={apiRef} initialState={initialState} />;
// Usage with the controlled model
const apiRef = useGridApiRef();

const [rowGroupingModel, setRowGroupingModel] = React.useState([

const initialState = useKeepGroupedColumnsHidden({

return (

Disable the row grouping

For all columns

You can disable row grouping by setting the disableRowGrouping prop to true.

It will disable all the features related to the row grouping, even if a model is provided.

For some columns

In case you need to disable grouping on specific column(s), set the groupable property on the respective column definition (GridColDef) to false. In the example below, the director column can not be grouped. And in all example, the title and gross columns can not be grouped.

Using groupingValueGetter for complex grouping value

The grouping value has to be either a string, a number, null, or undefined. If your cell value is more complex, pass a groupingValueGetter property to the column definition to convert it into a valid value.

const columns: GridColumns = [
    field: 'composer',
    groupingValueGetter: (params) =>,
  // ...

Rows with missing groups

If the grouping key of a grouping criteria is null or undefined for a row, the grid will consider that this row does not have a value for this group. and will inline it for those groups.

Group expansion

By default, all groups are initially displayed collapsed. You can change this behavior by setting the defaultGroupingExpansionDepth prop to expand all the groups up to a given depth when loading the data. If you want to expand the whole tree, set defaultGroupingExpansionDepth = -1

If you want to expand groups by default according to a more complex logic, use the isGroupExpandedByDefault prop which is a callback receiving the node as an argument. When defined, this callback will always have priority over the defaultGroupingExpansionDepth prop.

  node => node.groupingField === 'company' && node.groupingKey === '20th Century Fox'

Use the setRowChildrenExpansion method on apiRef to programmatically set the expansion of a row.

Sorting / Filtering

Single grouping column

When using rowGroupingColumnMode = "single", the default behavior is to apply the sortComparator and filterOperators of the top-level grouping criteria.

If you are rendering leaves with the leafField property of groupColDef, the sorting and filtering will be applied on the leaves based on the sortComparator and filterOperators of their original column.

In both cases, you can force the sorting and filtering to be applied on another grouping criteria with the mainGroupingCriteria property of groupColDef

Multiple grouping columns

When using rowGroupingColumnMode = "multiple", the default behavior is to apply the sortComparator and filterOperators of the grouping criteria of each grouping column.

If you are rendering leaves on one of those columns with the leafField property of groupColDef, the sorting and filtering will be applied on the leaves for this grouping column based on the sortComparator and filterOperators of the leave's original column.

If you want to render leaves but apply the sorting and filtering on the grouping criteria of the column, you can force it by setting the mainGroupingCriteria property groupColDef to be equal to the grouping criteria.

In the example below:

  • the sorting and filtering of the company grouping column is applied on the company field
  • the sorting and filtering of the director grouping column is applied on the director field even though it has leaves

Get the rows in a group

You can use the apiRef.current.getRowGroupChildren method to get the id of all rows contained in a group. It will not contain the autogenerated rows (i.e. the subgroup rows or the aggregation footers).

const rows: GridRowId[] = apiRef.current.getRowGroupChildren({

  // If true, the rows will be in the order displayed on screen
  applySorting: true,

  // If true, only the rows matching the current filters will be returned
  applyFiltering: true,

If you want to get the row ids of a group given its grouping criteria, use getGroupRowIdFromPath

const rows = apiRef.current.getRowGroupChildren({
  groupId: getGroupRowIdFromPath([{ field: 'company', key: 'Disney Studios' }]),

🚧 Row group panel

With this panel, your users will be able to control which columns are used for grouping just by dragging them inside the panel.

Full example

Advanced use cases

See Row grouping recipes for more advanced use cases.


addRowGroupingCriteria: (groupingCriteriaField: string, groupingIndex?: number) => void
removeRowGroupingCriteria: (groupingCriteriaField: string) => void
setRowGroupingCriteriaIndex: (groupingCriteriaField: string, groupingIndex: number) => void
setRowGroupingModel: (model: GridRowGroupingModel) => void