DesktopTimePicker API
API documentation for the React DesktopTimePicker component. Learn about the available props and the CSS API.
import DesktopTimePicker from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro/DesktopTimePicker';
// or
import DesktopTimePicker from '@mui/x-date-pickers/DesktopTimePicker';
// or
import { DesktopTimePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers-pro';
// or
import { DesktopTimePicker } from '@mui/x-date-pickers';
Component name
The nameMuiDesktopTimePicker
can be used when providing default props or style overrides in the theme.Props
Name | Type | Default | Description |
onChange* | func | Callback fired when the value (the selected date) changes @DateIOType. Signature: function(value: TValue, keyboardInputValue: string) => void value: The new value. keyboardInputValue: The current value of the keyboard input. | |
renderInput* | func | The renderInput prop allows you to customize the rendered input. The props argument of this render prop contains props of TextField that you need to forward. Pay specific attention to the ref and inputProps keys.Signature: function(props: MuiTextFieldPropsType) => React.ReactNode props: The props of the input. returns (React.ReactNode): The node to render as the input. | |
acceptRegex | RegExp | /\dap/gi | Regular expression to detect "accepted" symbols. |
ampm | bool | `utils.is12HourCycleInCurrentLocale()` | 12h/24h view for hour selection clock. |
ampmInClock | bool | false | Display ampm controls under the clock (instead of in the toolbar). |
className | string | className applied to the root component. | |
closeOnSelect | bool | `true` for Desktop, `false` for Mobile (based on the chosen wrapper and `desktopModeMediaQuery` prop). | If true the popup or dialog will immediately close after submitting full date. |
components | object | {} | Overrideable components. |
componentsProps | object | {} | The props used for each component slot. |
disabled | bool | false | If true , the picker and text field are disabled. |
disableFuture | bool | false | If true disable values before the current date for date components, time for time components and both for date time components. |
disableIgnoringDatePartForTimeValidation | bool | false | Do not ignore date part when validating min/max time. |
disableMaskedInput | bool | false | Disable mask on the keyboard, this should be used rarely. Consider passing proper mask for your format. |
disableOpenPicker | bool | false | Do not render open picker button (renders only text field with validation). |
disablePast | bool | false | If true disable values after the current date for date components, time for time components and both for date time components. |
getOpenDialogAriaText | func | (date, utils) => `Choose date, selected date is ${utils.format(date, 'fullDate')}` | Get aria-label text for control that opens picker dialog. Aria-label text must include selected date. @DateIOType Signature: function(date: TDate | null, utils: MuiPickersAdapter<TDate>) => string date: The date from which we want to add an aria-text. utils: The utils to manipulate the date. returns (string): The aria-text to render inside the dialog. |
InputAdornmentProps | object | Props to pass to keyboard input adornment. | |
inputFormat | string | Format string. | |
inputRef | func | { current?: object } | Pass a ref to the input element. | |
localeText | object | Locale for components texts | |
mask | string | Custom mask. Can be used to override generate from format. (e.g. __/__/____ __:__ or __/__/____ __:__ _M ). | |
maxTime | any | Maximal selectable time. The date part of the object will be ignored unless props.disableIgnoringDatePartForTimeValidation === true . | |
minTime | any | Minimal selectable time. The date part of the object will be ignored unless props.disableIgnoringDatePartForTimeValidation === true . | |
minutesStep | number | 1 | Step over minutes. |
onAccept | func | Callback fired when date is accepted @DateIOType. Signature: function(value: TValue) => void value: The value that was just accepted. | |
onClose | func | Callback fired when the popup requests to be closed. Use in controlled mode (see open). | |
onError | func | Callback that fired when input value or new value prop validation returns new validation error (or value is valid after error). In case of validation error detected reason prop return non-null value and TextField must be displayed in error state. This can be used to render appropriate form error.Read the guide about form integration and error displaying. Signature: function(reason: TError, value: TValue) => void reason: The reason why the current value is not valid. value: The invalid value. | |
onOpen | func | Callback fired when the popup requests to be opened. Use in controlled mode (see open). | |
onViewChange | func | Callback fired on view change. Signature: function(view: ClockPickerView) => void view: The new view. | |
open | bool | false | Control the popup or dialog open state. |
OpenPickerButtonProps | object | Props to pass to keyboard adornment button. | |
openTo | 'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds' | 'hours' | First view to show. Must be a valid option from views list |
orientation | 'landscape' | 'portrait' | Force rendering in particular orientation. | |
readOnly | bool | false | Make picker read only. |
rifmFormatter | func | Custom formatter to be passed into Rifm component. Signature: function(str: string) => string str: The un-formatted string. returns (string): The formatted string. | |
shouldDisableTime | func | Disable specific time. Signature: function(timeValue: number, view: ClockPickerView) => boolean timeValue: The value to check. view: The clock type of the timeValue. returns (boolean): If true the time will be disabled. | |
showToolbar | bool | false | If true , show the toolbar even in desktop mode. |
value | any | The value of the picker. | |
views | Array<'hours' | 'minutes' | 'seconds'> | ['hours', 'minutes'] | Array of views to show. |
Name | Type | Default | Description |
ActionBar | elementType | PickersActionBar | Custom component for the action bar, it is placed bellow the picker views. |
DesktopPaper | elementType | PickersPopperPaper | Custom component for the paper rendered inside the desktop picker's Popper. |
DesktopTransition | elementType | Grow from @mui/material | Custom component for the desktop popper Transition. |
DesktopTrapFocus | elementType | TrapFocus from @mui/material | Custom component for trapping the focus inside the views on desktop. |
LeftArrowIcon | elementType | ArrowLeft | Icon displayed in the left view switch button. |
NextIconButton | elementType | IconButton | Button allowing to switch to the right view. |
OpenPickerIcon | elementType | Calendar or Clock | Icon displayed in the open picker button. |
PaperContent | elementType | React.Fragment | Custom component wrapping the views of the desktop and static pickers (it is the direct child of the Paper component). |
Popper | elementType | Popper from @mui/material | Custom component for the popper inside which the views are rendered on desktop. |
PreviousIconButton | elementType | IconButton | Button allowing to switch to the left view. |
RightArrowIcon | elementType | ArrowRight | Icon displayed in the right view switch button. |
Toolbar | elementType | TimePickerToolbar | Custom component for the toolbar rendered above the views. |
is forwarded to the root element.